The Power of Positive Thinking.

There is much spoken about positive thinking, but why is it so important to think positively? This short piece will hopefully answer this question.

On average a person has over 10,000 thoughts a day. In a lifetime we must have millions of thoughts, but few people realise their power. Whatever exists is a manifestation of thought, of suggestion. If I wish to stand up I must send suggestions from my brain to the body. If I want to make a cup of tea, each action is governed by thought. Even things that are reflexes or "second nature" to us are only so because of previous thoughts stored in the subconscious mind.

It is the inherent power of thought that allows things to be created. A house starts its life as a plan in the architects mind, and is created through a series of separate actions governed by thoughts. Every night the creative power of thought is displayed in our dreams. We can visit far away lands, talk to relatives long dead, or manifest weird and wonderful scenes, all by the power of thought. From the smallest creation to Creation itself, all has its basis in thought.

Therefore our thinking has a dramatic affect on our lives. Thoughts directly affects our feelings. If we wake up and think today will be a good day, we will feel positive about it. Our feelings and emotions then affect our actions. If we feel positive it is likely our actions will be of a positive nature. All of our thoughts, feelings, and actions are recorded in the mind and form the collection of our past impressions. It is these past impressions that later manifest as thoughts, thus the cycle of thinking-actions-impressions is put into motion. With this understanding it will be apparent how positive or negative thought will affect one’s feelings, activity, and again return as future thoughts. Thus we are the architects of our lives through our thoughts. Our reality is created by our thoughts, directly through their affect upon our feelings and actions, how they become manifest in the outside world, and indirectly, how our thinking affects our outlook on life. The philosopher Kant correctly said "we see things not as they are but as we are."

Some people through-out history have been able to instantly manifest their thoughts. One who has developed a strong will and who has realised the unity of their consciousness with universal consciousness, can create in this world as easily as we do in our dreams. Turning water into wine is simply a projection of positive thinking by one who understood existence to be made up of changeable forms of energy.

Thought is energy like electricity, motion, or gravity is. Energy is eternal, it cannot be destroyed. It may change its form, but it is omnipresent. The mind is a transmitter and receiver of thought, which most people recognise through the verbal process of speech. However, this is not the exclusive medium to communicate thoughts. There are many forms of non-verbal communication, which becomes apparent when we remember thoughts form our feelings, emotions, and actions. For example, it is often possible to tell when someone is lying when their body language contradicts their words.

The other way that thoughts are communicated is through their basis as energy. If energy is perpetual then thoughts will not cease when they occur in the mind. Firstly, they are stored in the mind as our past impressions. Secondly, they manifest in the external world existing in the ether waiting for another mind to receive them. When certain places are visited there is an immediate reaction to the surroundings, some "vibe" that can be detected. We may be put on edge by the place, or feel relaxed and happy, often not being able to explain why we feel this way rationally. What we detect is the thoughts, be they positive or negative, that continue to exist around that place. Thoughts are not limited to restrictions of time and space, which enables them to remain over time, and to be projected over long distances instantly.

Realising that our thoughts form the basis for our feelings and actions, and thus that they have a materialising potential, together with their power to transcend barriers of time and dimensions, gives a basis for the importance of positive thinking.


Everything has its basis in thought.

Look around, all creations are objectionised thoughts; a chair started its existence in the mind of it’s designer. This building started life as an idea, a thought that led to a line of others; how to build it ? what materials ? how much will it cost. Next there was likely some emotional response or feeling about the idea and thoughts, maybe a sense of excitement about the coming project or anxiety whether there would be enough money to pay for it. The combination of thought and feelings led to action and the building now exists.

If minor creations like this building are objectionised thought then it is reasonable to say that all Creation has its basis in thought. Understanding how thought operates and the need for positive thinking is of fundamental importance to a happy and peaceful life.


We create our world, or our reality, through our thoughts and perceptions. These effect our feelings and subsequent action. Our actions are stored in the sub-conscious mind as our tendencies, habits, and impressions ( known as samskars ). It is these memories that trigger further thoughts thus creating a cycle. This can be illustrated by the following examples:

Example 1. A person decides to smoke a cigarette. This thought is followed by the action of smoking that is sent to the sub-conscious mind and stored as an impression. Some days later after watching someone light a cigarette the person has a thought: "I have smoked before, I think I’ll smoke again." This thought is followed by action which further reinforces the impression of the sub-conscious mind. There follows a spiral of thought-action-impression which leads to a habit, this one destructive.

Example 2. A different person starts to attend a meditation class to help with her short-temper. In this class she learns that her true nature underneath the tarnish of the ego is that of an immortal soul. Her nature is peace and bliss which she experiences glimpses of in meditation. All the negative states such as anger, attachment and limitation are due to her identification with the body rather than the soul. Her regular meditation starts to fill her life with greater calmness. When in a situation that would normally make her angry ( caught in a long traffic jam ) she remembers the thought "I am a peaceful soul" and stays calm. The impression stored in her sub-conscious mind is one of peace rather than anger. The next time she experiences a negative state she affirms she is a peaceful soul and remains in a state of calm. The tendencies of her mind begin to change from that of negativity to peace, thus her thoughts are controlled and positive, which affect her outlook on life and influences her activity.

Effects of positive and negative thinking

It is easy to see the different effects that positive and negative thinking have. Negative thought is often due to simplistic thinking, not looking at the consequences or responsibility of the action the thought suggests. We are hypnotised into limitation by our surroundings and past tendencies and suggestions. One negative thought is often a catalyst for a train of other negative thoughts, bringing in fears of the future and regrets of the past. Follow the cycle of thoughts-actions-impressions and it can be seen how negative thoughts influence feelings and actions which are stored in the sub-conscious, soon to return as neurosis and more negative thoughts.

Negative thinking is summed up by the "I can’t" belief. If you believe you can’t, then you won’t. If you think you will fail, then you are already preparing your mind for it, creating your reality of failure. Why does this happen ?

Thoughts create our reality

The splitting of the atom this century confirmed to scientists what many Yogis have known for millennia: that everything is energy existing on differing vibrational frequencies. Ice is the same substance as water and steam but on a different vibration. Thought is a force, an energy, like electricity, motion or gravity. Thought force has its own vibrational potency. Examine an angry individual and you will be able to feel the anger. A peaceful, calm person puts out a different vibration which is easily noticeable. Animals and children are particularly good at picking up on this. To show that this is not based on body language alone, and that thoughts are not limited to time visit a place such as Auchwitz and see if you detect any of the thought vibrations that remain there.

Vibrational attraction

Thought has a vibrational attraction, due to the sub-conscious minds power of creation and the law of karma. This is how we create our own reality. If you are angry, people around you will feel this and sub-consciously you will attract other angry people and situations likely to make you even more cross. People often say "nothing is going right for me today……" and this is because their thought forms are attracting such experiences. Naturally when we start to emit positive thoughts we are more likely to attract positive people and situations that increase our experiences and evolution. We may still get angry people coming up to us and be put in difficult situations but this can be looked upon as a test whether we can keep our peace of mind, even though others may be losing theirs.


The law of karma is the law of cause and effect where we will reap what we sow. If we think and act positively then good will be returned back to us. The converse is equally true as negative thoughts, feelings and actions will be returned to us. Karma is not punishment for our past actions, rather it is the mechanism for justice and evolution. Justice is always done as all will reap what they sow. We evolve by experiencing the fruits of our past actions and learning from them and build a stockpile of positive karma which allows us to view reality from a higher level of consciousness. The law of karma is the psychological support for the great teachings such as non-violence and to treat others as we wish to be treated ourselves.

"We see things not as they are but as we are" (Kant).

There is a wonderful story about a bug that lived in the most beautiful Persian rug in the world. Because the bug was very small wherever it went in the rug it encountered problems, everywhere were obstacles followed by more obstacles. If the bug could have got above the ground where it lived for just a moment, it would have realised that what it saw as problems and obstacles were actually part of a pattern that made up the most beautiful Persian rug in the world.

In our lives we often complain and become negative due to problems and obstacles but they are part of the pattern, they are the experiences we need to evolve. If we could view the pattern of the world from above, from a Universal level, we would see it as the most beautiful, perfect creation, because it contains all of the experiences necessary for evolving, working through our karma, and perceiving the underlying unity despite the apparent conflict and duality.

Higher Self and ego

When we incarnate into a body part of our consciousness, the ego or conscious mind, views the world from a limited point of view a bit like the bug in the story. It sees problems, judges, compares, and separates. It doesn’t remember its links with our higher consciousness ( soul or higher Self ) that chose to incarnate and have specific experiences so that through the ego there would be evolution, growth, and ultimately a return to the Source. The ego is like a boat going down a river, not knowing what lies round the corner. The higher Self is like a helicopter that can view the present position and also see ahead. Everything that happens to us if for a reason, for us to learn and evolve from. Often negative experiences or trying times in our lives are what makes us strongest, what causes the greatest shift in our awareness. From this viewpoint, all experiences are positive as they all lead to a greater understanding and further our evolution. If bad things happen to you try to view things from this perspective, that your negative karma is being worked through and that these experiences are necessary for your growth and are there to teach you. Armed with this understanding you’ve got to be positive !

Focusing Thought: The Power Of Concentration

The pull of the mind and senses

As we have seen a negative state of mind often leads to a multitude of other thoughts as the mind is pulled in many directions. The dispersed energy of such a train of thought which invariably brings in regrets of the past and fears for the future is both an inefficient and ineffective use of the mind’s power.

It is claimed that the mind makes a wonderful servant but a terrible master. We must rule our mind not let it rule us. Most people through slavery to the pull of the senses are at the mercy of the dispersed energy of their thoughts. Our minds are often pulled this way or that. Observe a student who sits down at his desk to revise for his examinations. The student gets out his books and stares at them for a while not taking anything in. He reads a few pages but his mind is drawn to the sound of a radio outside. He glances up and sees its a sunny day and begins to think about having a game of football. His mind wanders to last summer when he was on holiday and he relives the feeling of freedom lying on a beach. He comes to with a jolt and remembers his books and exams and starts to worry whether he will be able to pass. In his mind he starts thinking about having to do re-sits, and how he will need to extend his accommodation. This all gets too much for him and smelling someone cooking lunch he leaves his untouched notes and spends the rest of the day eating and watching television.

This scenario is very common, and reflects a number of conditions most people have suffered from or continue to suffer from. Firstly the lack of any focus invites the mind to wander, then the senses attract the attention bringing in thoughts and past memories. Secondly, most people have poor powers of concentration. Lack of interest in the subject matter often leads people’s minds to shut off or wander, this starts at school leaving many people to never learn the skill of concentration.

Power of concentration

The concentrated mind is like a magnifying glass which focuses the sun’s rays into a point. This one-pointedness allows depths of the mind to be penetrated which are normally beyond the reach of most people. In the depths of the mind lie amazing powers, Albert Einstein said we only use about 10% of our minds power, the other 90% is capable of some incredible things. Telepathy, telekinesis, remote viewing, materialisation of objects from the ether, appearing in more than one place at one time, raising the dead, all is possible to one who is fully Self-realised and has developed amazing powers of concentration. ( For a detailed account and explanation of such powers read Paramahansa Yogananda’s "Autobiography Of A Yogi" )


You can concentrate on any subject, and finding solutions to the world’s problems is one of the most noble uses of this power. However, the message of the great teachers is that the most important use of concentration is that sustained concentration on Self or God leads to meditation and ultimately Self-realisation, and that your own Self-realisation is the greatest thing you can do for the world. The comment "heal yourself and you heal the world" is true when we consider that; firstly reality is subjective ( we see things not as they are but as we are ) and secondly that a peaceful world is made up of peaceful countries which are made up of peaceful regions, communities, and ultimately of peaceful individuals. Inside us lies the power to change the world, it is our responsibility to awaken to this.

Community Healing: Fountain International.

Fountain is a world-wide community healing project based on the simple concept that communities, like people, suffer from dis-ease and may be healed. Fountain began in 1981 in Brighton where the "Old Steine" fountain was used as a focal point for a meditation group. They sent positive thoughts and energy to this point every day, and visualised love and light filling the focal point and then overflowing throughout the entire community, giving peace and healing to all in the area.

The focal point becomes like a "beacon of light" and connects up with other "lights" creating energy or ley lines. There are some significant places such as Glastonbury Tor, Avebury, and Stonehenge which have easily detectable energy flowing to and from them ( dowsing is one way to detect these lines ). However, an energy centre can be created anywhere, and from this the energy grid of the whole world connects up to it. The work done by one group will therefore influence the whole world.

The Hundred Monkey Syndrome

As mentioned previously thought is not limited to time, nor is it limited to space, notice how a radio or satellite can send messages across the world. Our minds also work like radio’s sending and receiving information. If enough people’s minds are tuned into a particular thought or emotion this can be felt by all ( The hundred monkey syndrome works on the principle that on a higher level of consciousness we share the same mind - Jung’s "collective unconscious" which the technique of remote viewing has proved. When a critical mass reach a certain awareness or state of knowledge this reaches all people through the collective unconscious).

The Mahrishi Mahesh Yogi, famed for introducing Transcendental Meditation to the world always asserted that if 1 in 100 people reached a state of meditation regularly there would be no wars. This was based on the hundred monkey syndrome which the Maharishi understood very well. This shows the importance of every individual and group effort, even if very small, towards creating a peaceful world. It should also be remembered that the hundred monkey syndrome works equally for positive and negative thoughts and emotions, thus be aware of the ease at which some people, through society, schools, and the media mind-controls most people into fear and limitation through this collective consciousness. It is time to assert the positive and break free of limitation.


Think about all the goodness in you

Take some time to find what is true

Obstacles are opportunities you’ll see

Know the way today is positivity

Think about your nature as a soul

Peace and bliss all that you know

Limitation hides but is soon to fall

Deep inside lies the unity of all