The phrase "you are what you eat" is certainly true but beyond gross food there is much that effects our system. Many everyday products may not directly affect the physical system but some are very damaging to the subtle elements of our system and therefore should be avoided if possible. The following list contains some items that you may wish to avoid.


This is an artificial sweetener found in drinks and other foodstuffs. It is a mental suppressant and does a great deal to lower our higher mental faculties.


Put into our water supply and toothpaste as a matter of course, Fluoride is a toxin 12 times stronger than arsenic. It is a waste product from the aluminium and nuclear industries which is very difficult to dispose of. The solution to this problem was by propaganda to convince people it prevents tooth decay. Not one study conducted anywhere in the world has yet proved this. Fluoride numbs are mental faculties and poisons the body.


The poisons and living conditions of animals slaughtered in factory farming makes me wonder how anyone can still eat this. Remember "you are what you eat."

Mono Sodium Glutamate (M.S.G.)

A flavour enhancer found in an alarming number of processed foods, M.S.G has been directly linked with causing cancer following studies in Australia. One Australian visitor commented to me "..mate, I can’t believe they allow M.S.G. in your food." Avoid!

Sodium Laureth Sulphate Found in shampoo and related products such as toothpaste, this in synthesised form (the natural Sodium Laureth Sulphate is okay) closes down the bodies immune functions and adversely effects our subtle bodies. When you notice how widely this chemical is used you see how much unnecessary disease is caused. Swap your chemical bathroom products for natural ones!

Propylene Glycol

The main ingredient of brake fluid has found its way into nearly all cosmetics, creams, and many personal care products. A potentially carsonagenic substance and skin irritant.

Washing Up Liquid

The residue left by the harsh chemicals of most washing liquids builds up "free radicals" in the body which essentially make the cells rust. It is recommended to use one of the natural washing up liquids or at least rinse off all residue of the chemicals in clean water before drying.